The customer at the center and complete proposals for design, supplies, installation, testing and after-sales assistance

Our resources represent the core value of our company for their technical experience, professionalism and competences. Our first objective is customer satisfaction: for this reason, all our activity, from production to that carried out by our technical, commercial and administrative departments, is first of all oriented towards identifying and satisfying customer needs..
Our team is constantly committed to providing customized and high quality solutions able to satisfy the specific needs of each customer, also guaranteeing assistance for the planning, design, supply and installation of our products.
Our sales team detects the customer’s need in its entirety and reports it to the technical and assistance department so that to the customer is made a full proposal which therefore includes, in addition to the supply of the product, the design, installation and after-sales testing.
The after-sales assistance service is also primary to us: in fact, our service department is always available to assist customers and solve any problem or technical difficulty subsequent to the supply, installation, testing phase.
Finally, we are organized to supply our products and services not only nationally but also internationally through the assistance of our skilled local representative companies in all the five continents.

Contact us
Via per Casorate 13/B
21010 – Cardano al Campo (VA) – Italy
+39 0331 797286