I TECH, the partner for network design, verification and supply of radio-television broadcasting and microwave transport systems

I TECH srl is a company operating in the Broadcasting sector which in 2015 rented, and subsequently took over in October 2016, the business branch of IRTE Spa, of which it constitutes the natural continuation, inheriting forty years of experience.
The new reality, streamlined in its structure to optimize its competitiveness, has acquired the key figures of IRTE in all operational, planning, coordination and network management areas.
I TECH srl has decided to concentrate its activities in network design and in the design and production of antennas, thanks to IRTE’s know-how in the design, production and installation fields.
Our product portfolio includes both antennas for broadcasting radio and television signals in the FM, VHF, UHF frequency bands as well as parabolic antennas used in microwave radio links and in professional satellite reception (TVRO).
I TECH Research and Development is constantly engaged in the study and creation of high-tech components for the development of digital transmission and broadcasting as well as in the creation of High Power UHF antennas in circular polarization for the US market, products which in the near future future could also be interesting for the Italian and European market.
Since taking over, I TECH’s effort has been to expand the already important IRTE catalogue, investing in production processes and intervening on products, to improve their technical characteristics and optimize costs.
The experience accumulated in the switch-off phases of Analog TV with the design, installation and testing of radio links, transmitters and antennas for digital television networks and the design of complex antennas for compliance with verification points (PdV ), fully places our company as a reference partner for the major national networks.
Due to the renowned consideration of IRTE in the broadcasting sector, the large Italian networks have already turned to I TECH for the services of design, installation, commissioning, testing and verification of antenna systems.
I TECH has also renewed its collaborative relationships with the most important American company specialized in the design, production and installation of FM antennas, Electronics Research Inc. (ERI), ), with which it has already signed (ERIinc press release of April 4th 2016) an agreement for the distribution in the USA of I TECH UHF antennas (IRTE) for Spectrum Repacking.
In I TECH, we have a technical staff made up of highly qualified professionals for the realization of static checks, electromechanical inspections and all those engineering activities to support the installation of composite antenna systems, in order to conform any activity to current regulations.
Furthermore, the experience of latest generation broadcasting equipment, in various configurations, has been perfectly integrated with that relating to antennas, also proposing itself as an integrator and tester of entire broadcasting sites, both TV and Radio.
I TECH is also specialized in “turnkey” installations which are carried out by specialized technicians, foremen and project managers, who carry out and coordinate all the activities on site in a workmanlike manner and in line with current legal regulations.
The collaboration with the mobile telephone operators TIM, VODAFONE and WIND for the mitigation of LTE interference on the reception of the DVB-T signal, has significantly increased our increasingly widespread presence on the Italian territory,creating an induced de-localized workforce coordinated by the Management Technique of I TECH in order to guarantee the best technical and operational support to national Broadcasters.
The engineering of I TECH has acquired considerable experience which allows it to resolve the specific situations of each individual site, especially in view of the new ministerial provisions for compliance with European regulations.
Our laboratories are equipped with all the measuring instruments necessary to test radio links, transmitters and any other element of the supply when performing the role of System Integrator.
Finally, I TECH has a test field of over 200m with advanced positioning and measurement instrumentation for the measurement and certification of broadcast antenna systems, parabolic antennas for microwaves and satellite reception.
I TECH can therefore be considered the reference partner for everything concerning the network design, verification and supply of radio-television broadcasting and microwave transport systems.

I TECH srl is a company operating in the Broadcasting sector which in 2015 rented, and subsequently took over in October 2016, the business branch of IRTE Spa, of which it constitutes the natural continuation, inheriting forty years of experience.
Due to the renowned consideration of IRTE in the broadcasting sector, the large Italian networks have already turned to I TECH for the services of design, installation, commissioning, testing and verification of antenna systems.
I TECH srl has decided to concentrate its activities in network design and in the design and production of antennas, thanks to IRTE’s know-how in the design, production and installation fields.
Our product portfolio includes both antennas for broadcasting radio and television signals in the FM, VHF, UHF frequency bands as well as parabolic antennas used in microwave radio links and in professional satellite reception (TVRO).
I TECH Research and Development is constantly engaged in the study and creation of high-tech components for the development of digital transmission and broadcasting as well as in the creation of High Power UHF antennas in circular polarization for the US market, products which in the near future future could also be interesting for the Italian and European market.
Since taking over, I TECH’s effort has been to expand the already important IRTE catalogue, investing in production processes and intervening on products, to improve their technical characteristics and optimize costs.
The experience accumulated in the switch-off phases of Analog TV with the design, installation and testing of radio links, transmitters and antennas for digital television networks and the design of complex antennas for compliance with verification points (PdV ), fully places our company as a reference partner for the major national networks.
Due to the renowned consideration of IRTE in the broadcasting sector, the large Italian networks have already turned to I TECH for the services of design, installation, commissioning, testing and verification of antenna systems.
I TECH has also renewed its collaborative relationships with the most important American company specialized in the design, production and installation of FM antennas, Electronics Research Inc. (ERI), with which it has already signed (ERIinc press release of April 4th 2016) an agreement for the distribution in the USA of I TECH UHF antennas (IRTE) for Spectrum Repacking.
In I TECH, we have a technical staff made up of highly qualified professionals for the realization of static checks, electromechanical inspections and all those engineering activities to support the installation of composite antenna systems, in order to conform any activity to current regulations.
Furthermore, the experience of latest generation broadcasting equipment, in various configurations, has been perfectly integrated with that relating to antennas, also proposing itself as an integrator and tester of entire broadcasting sites, both TV and Radio.
I TECH is also specialized in “turnkey” installations which are carried out by specialized technicians, foremen and project managers, who carry out and coordinate all the activities on site in a workmanlike manner and in line with current legal regulations.
The collaboration with the mobile telephone operators TIM, VODAFONE and WIND for the mitigation of LTE interference on the reception of the DVB-T signal, has significantly increased our increasingly widespread presence on the Italian territory,creating an induced de-localized workforce coordinated by the Management Technique of I TECH in order to guarantee the best technical and operational support to national Broadcasters.
The engineering of I TECH has acquired considerable experience which allows it to resolve the specific situations of each individual site, especially in view of the new ministerial provisions for compliance with European regulations.
Our laboratories are equipped with all the measuring instruments necessary to test radio links, transmitters and any other element of the supply when performing the role of System Integrator.
Finally, I TECH has a test field of over 200m with advanced positioning and measurement instrumentation for the measurement and certification of broadcast antenna systems, parabolic antennas for microwaves and satellite reception.
I TECH can therefore be considered the reference partner for everything concerning the network design, verification and supply of radio-television broadcasting and microwave transport systems.

Contact us
Via per Casorate 13/B
21010 – Cardano al Campo (VA) – Italy
+39 0331 797286
Via per Casorate 13/B
21010 – Cardano al Campo (VA) – Italy
+39 0331 797286